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New From Echo: DPE-2600 Edger

The new X Series DPE-2600 curved shaft edger combines power and torque with lightweight construction, allowing pros to carve through dense dirt and overgrown grass and weeds. This edger weighs only 14.1 lbs., including the batter. With the 2:1 gear case converting the high-speed motor to improved cutting power at the lower end, aluminum debris shield, and large skid plate, this edger is the perfect addition to every landscaping trailer. The DPE-2600 has the same shield assembly as the PE-2620 professional stick edger from Echo.

Visit echo-usa.com

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Lightspeed DMS Appoints Brian Provost CEO

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FEATURED ARTICLE: 12 Keys To Hiring Sales Reps 

Article by John Chapin – With the current hiring systems companies use, only about 20% of salespeople work out long-term. Even if you’re at 50%, is it really worth all the time, effort, and money that you waste hiring the wrong salespeople? Below are some tips to try to get a 90 to 95% hiring success rate and save thousands of hours, headaches, and, over the long-term, likely hundreds of thousands of dollars.