How To: Stay Motivated When Trying To Close A Sale
By John Chapin There are four forms of motivation: external negative, external positive, intrinsic, and peer. The best and potentially most powerful is the third one: intrinsic (internal),...
2024 Survey Report: What’s Changing, What’s Staying The Same
Results are in from PET’s 2024 Dealer Survey! The Power Equipment Trade dealer survey has been appearing in these pages biennially without fail since 1992—it is the longest running industry...
How To Build A Successful Sales Machine
The “how-to” behind building a highly-effective, competition-dominating, sales machine is actually fairly simple. What isn’t simple is executing the steps and sticking to the plan.
What the New Overtime Rule Means for Workers
One of the basic principles of the American workplace is that a hard day’s work deserves a fair day’s pay. Simply put, every worker’s time has value.
FEATURED ARTICLE: 12 Keys To Hiring Sales Reps
Article by John Chapin – With the current hiring systems companies use, only about 20% of salespeople work out long-term. Even if you’re at 50%, is it really worth all the time, effort, and money that you waste hiring the wrong salespeople? Below are some tips to try to get a 90 to 95% hiring success rate and save thousands of hours, headaches, and, over the long-term, likely hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Sales Is A Contact Sport
Article by John Chapin — A few days ago, I was watching an interview featuring a highly successful real estate agent in New York City. According to him, a key factor in his success is reaching out to 15 new people daily. This resonated with a conversation…