How To: Stay Motivated When Trying To Close A Sale

       By John Chapin There are four forms of motivation: external negative, external positive, intrinsic, and peer. The best and potentially most powerful is the third one: intrinsic (internal), otherwise known as your “why.” Why do you get out of bed in the morning;...
How To Build A Successful Sales Machine

How To Build A Successful Sales Machine

The “how-to” behind building a highly-effective, competition-dominating, sales machine is actually fairly simple. What isn’t simple is executing the steps and sticking to the plan.

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FEATURED ARTICLE: 12 Keys To Hiring Sales Reps 

FEATURED ARTICLE: 12 Keys To Hiring Sales Reps 

Article by John Chapin – With the current hiring systems companies use, only about 20% of salespeople work out long-term. Even if you’re at 50%, is it really worth all the time, effort, and money that you waste hiring the wrong salespeople? Below are some tips to try to get a 90 to 95% hiring success rate and save thousands of hours, headaches, and, over the long-term, likely hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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Sales Is A Contact Sport

Sales Is A Contact Sport

Article by John Chapin — A few days ago, I was watching an interview featuring a highly successful real estate agent in New York City. According to him, a key factor in his success is reaching out to 15 new people daily. This resonated with a conversation…

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