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GIE+EXPO Came Back With A Vengeance

With impressive attendance numbers, GIE+EXPO returned in person to Louisville, Ky. at the end of October and saw an increase over attendance numbers in 2019 and 2018. The 23,922 came from all segments of the power equipment and lawn and garden industry to see the latest products from an impressive roster of exhibiting manufacturers. In addition, the new owner of the show, the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), debuted the new name and branding for the annual event. Equip Exposition was debuted as the name for the 2022 show, which will take place in Louisville, Oct. 19-21, 2022.

“This year’s strong showing is huge for us and the industry as we look toward next year and the transition to Equip Exposition,” comments Kris Kiser, President of OPEI and managing partner of the show. “The trade show remains the best place to connect with your peers, network, and gain a competitive business edge. We’re excited to evolve the show, and can’t wait to see everyone in Louisville October 19-21 next year.”

To view Power Equipment Trade’s daily recaps: check out PET’s YouTube Channel where editor Jessica Johnson reported on all she saw during the three-day event.

One of the biggest draws for dealers to the show is always the free educational offerings, which saw a dramatic increase in registrants, with a 47% increase over 2019 and a 92% increase over 2018. If you missed them, PET livestreamed them all and they are also available archived on PET’s YouTube Channel.

In-Tree Arborist Demos in a 60-ft. tree were held inside the expo center, presented by the Women’s Tree Climbing Workshop, and sponsored by Davey Tree and Echo.

Another popular draw to the show, prize winners were also announced.

These included:

  • UTV $15,000 winner, Chris Gregorius, C&R Lawn Service, Daphne, Ala.
  • Stihl $5,000 winner, Cathy Holdeman, Run Right Power Equipment, Harmony, Wis.
  • Landzie Swardman reel mower winner, Howard Evans, Garden of Evans, Toano, Va.
  • Bobcat ZT6000 commercial zero-turn mower, David Williamson, Aberdeen, Md.

Plans are already underway to expand education opportunities and enhance the attendee and exhibitor experience in Louisville for Equip Expo. Those interested in attending can register now at

Notably, in ’22 attendees can expect Trace Adkins will headline the concert series; David Feherty will give the opening keynote, and Landscape Management magazine, Bob Clements International, and the Professional Grounds Management Society will host a series of educational workshops. Additionally, the TurfMutt Foundation will launch the first-ever Mulligan’s 5K and Fun Run in downtown Louisville.

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