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GIE+EXPO RETURNS: October 20-22, 2021
Landscape professionals, dealers and manufacturers are excited to reconnect when GIE+EXPO 2021 returns in person to the Kentucky Exposition Center, October 20-22 in Louisville.
Sponsored by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, Inc. (OPEI), Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS) and National Assn. of Landscape Professionals (NALP), the 675,000 sq. ft. event will feature more than 685 exhibitors.
Industry leaders will host workshops all three days focused on technology and business solutions for landscape professionals. Attendees can learn more about connectivity to drones, online reviews, software, opportunities for diversification and more.
“GIE+EXPO has always been a good way to check up on the competition, to see what’s new and talk to the manufacturers of the products we sell,” said Sam Walter, President, Sam Walter & Son, Inc., Fairbury, Ill. “We can’t wait to get back to the show in 2021.”
Bob Clements International (BCI) will host 10 high-performance dealer workshops all three days of the show and an exclusive $99 half-day Masterclass, offered Tuesday October 19, presented by Bob Clements and Sara Hey. The pair will discuss key strategies with dealers to improve their dealerships, including a discussion on Bulletproofing Your Business.
Indiana State University Aviation and Unmanned Systems Program will present Remote Pilot Certification courses. Attendees will be able to fly drones in the hands-on Drone Zone with expert trainers.
Hosted by the NALP, a new Technology Summit will provide insights on robotics and AI tools over three sessions on Wednesday, October 20. Following the summit, landscape professionals are invited to the opening keynote speech, “Leadership and a New World order: The Need for Resilience,” featuring Retired U.S. Navy Four-Star Admiral James Stavridis.
Two technology experts from Michigan State University will host two sessions on redefining the college’s grounds program using grounds management technology and drones.
“Despite the pandemic, business never stopped for those who design, install, and maintain living landscapes. While this year’s show will look different, we can’t wait to welcome everyone back to Louisville,” said Kris Kiser, Managing Partner, GIE+EXPO and OPEI President. “We understand how important GIE+EXPO is to our industry, and we are committed to providing the education, resources and networking businesses need to thrive.”
Visit gie-expo.com.
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