Kawasaki FT730V-EFI
The Kawasaki FT730V-EFI is the first engine from Kawasaki to employ Vortical Air Filtration (VAF).
The VAF technology incorporates air intake methodology. It gets clean air into the engine without also introducing external debris. Thanks to VAF, the pre-filter and filter can run for up to 50 hours before a cleaning is required. As a result, the Kawasaki FT730V-EFI requires less maintenance.
The air intake system uses centrifugal air movement to move heavy grass, dust and debris away from the air filter. It ejects accumulated debris out of the engine through a duckbill ejection valve. Once ejected, only fine dust is left, which is easily trapped in the filter.
The integrated e-governor (eGov) adjusts engine power-to-load for maximum cutting at higher speeds. As a result, the FT730V-EFI helps minimize the need for re-cuts.
The open loop design eliminates the need for an oxygen sensor, and maintains low engine temperatures. This in turn helps reduce oil consumption and contributes to a longer overall engine life.
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