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Pacific Stihl Expands
Pacific Stihl, a division of Stihl, Inc., which serves California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii and Guam, recently announced its second facility expansion in five years. Larry Blamer, Branch Manager, says, “Our last move was meant to carry us through 10 years of anticipated growth. We’ve outgrown it in five.”
The new facility, slated to open June 1, nearly triples the square footage available to Pacific Stihl to approximately 140,000 sq. ft. on eight acres, more than doubles its dock doors from eight to 18, continuing same day fulfillment of dealer orders.
The design of the new regional headquarters will take advantage of energy efficiencies and incorporate the latest in warehouse distribution technology. It will also expand training facilities for sales and service training from the territory, including new dealer orientation, introductory service technician training, and Silver Level Stihl MasterWrench Service Training.
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