Propane Education & Research Council (PERC)

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PERC Approves 60+ Units For Incentive Plan

Additional mower models are eligible for the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) Propane Mower Incentive Program.

The incentive program offers up to $1,000 for each approved OEM dealer-converted unit or dedicated propane mower; and $500 for each qualified propane mower conversion kit.

Units include zero-turn, stand-on and walk-behind models. 44 from Ferris Mowers; 20 from Snapper Pro; and five models from Bradley Mowers. All of the newly-approved mowers can be converted by dealers using Propane Power Systems CARB; and EPA-certified propane conversion kits.

Commercial landscapers are very brand loyal. It’s important to expand the list of models eligible for the incentive program and give contractors an option, says Jeremy Wishart, PERC. “Once contractors try propane mowers in their own operation and see first-hand the lower operating costs and increased productivity, we have no doubt it will be a long-term solution for their business.”


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