COVER STORY- Service Keeps Dealer Moving –

SNOHOMISH, Washington – Dan Robinson first got into small engine repair 30 years ago, working on-site service calls; he never dreamed his business would grow into what it is today.

Robinson first fell in love with the mobile service aspect of small engine repair while working in Las Vegas, Nevada before joining the U.S. Coast Guard.

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Precision Turf Equipment

SNOHOMISH, Washington – Dan Robinson first got into small engine repair 30 years ago, working on-site service calls; he never dreamed his business would grow into what it is today.

Robinson first fell in love with the mobile service aspect of small engine repair while working in Las Vegas, Nevada before joining the U.S. Coast Guard.

The Coast Guard brought Robinson from Nevada to north of Seattle, Washington, and following his career he once again began repairing small engines in his new town. After seeing the need for a mobile tech to serve the flourishing mid- and large-scale landscapers in the area, Robinson opened his lawn and garden shop, Precision Turf Equipment, with the goal of servicing that market in that specific way.

Article by Jessica Johnson, Managing Editor, Power Equipment Trade

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