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Shindaiwa EB262 Blower
The all-new Shindaiwa EB262 blower features 15.8 Newtons of force. This commercial blower is made for professionals who need efficiency in their equipment.
Features also include
- chrome cylinder plating
- 2-ring piston
- blower tube wear ring for durability and longevity
Variable cruise control allows users to lock the throttle at different speeds for specific tasks. The rubber grip on the main handle reduces fatigue while a secondary handle below the fuel tank increases comfort and maneuverability. The pleated paper main filter and foam prefilter provide excellent filtration in dusty conditions and make maintenance a breeze. The EB262 double grid intake pattern reduces blockage from leaves; and the large 20.3 oz. fuel tank provides extra run time.
The Shindaiwa EB262 blower includes both round-end and flared-end tubes.
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