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Stihl To Provide $120,000 Worth Of Grants State Parks

Stihl Inc. announced today the expansion of the Hearts of Stihl program, an initiative to care for the environment through the preservation of our nation’s state parks. Inspired by the staff of America’s State Parks, the mission of Hearts of Stihl is to help those people and programs that are caring for the national treasures that are our America’s State Parks, and preserve them for the enjoyment of all Americans, current and future. The 2022 Hearts of Stihl program will provide a $20,000 grant to a park in each of the nation’s six regions for a total of $120,000 in 2022, which are the Northwest, North-Central, Central, Southwest, Northeast and Southeast. The grants will be managed by the America’s State Parks Foundation, and parks can apply for funds to help projects related to sustainability, recovery, conservation, or environmental education programs.

The Hearts of Stihl program expands Stihl’s relationship with America’s State Parks. For more than a decade Stihl has been a sponsor of the National Assn. of State Park Directors Leadership School, providing scholarships for park personnel to attend.

The 2021 Hearts of Stihl program focused on the planting of 2,021 trees in two western state parks in response to the devastating effects of the 2020 wildfires. The project was a true partnership and included men and women of the Oregon and California State Parks, hazardous tree felling and training by professional arborist and Stihl Inc. spokesperson Mark Chisholm, Director of Conservation for the MeatEater group, Ryan Callaghan, as well as Chuck Leavell, musical director for the Rolling Stones, award winning tree farmer, conservationist, and producer of the PBS television program “America’s Forests with Chuck Leavell.”

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