Ventrac Blows Pumpkins Away
Ventrac personnel found an innovative way to show off their snowblower’s rugged durability and power—by plowing over a line of 100 blemished pumpkins (video link here).
According to Ventrac Marketing Manager Isaac Roth, “In our area of Ohio deep snowfalls don’t occur often, and we want to show people that our blowers can handle a large volume of material quickly and easily. With the lack of snow and the abundance of pumpkins, we set up this video shoot and had a blast doing it.” He adds the group was pleasantly surprised with how easily the pumpkins went through the blower, with pieces being thrown more than 40 ft.
The pumpkins used in the video aren’t saleable due to blemishes. They don’t meet food quality requirements and are generally plowed back into the soil at the end of the season.
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